Bulk Uploading Users Into Learn

There are a few ways you can perform a bulk upload of Trainees.

The first way is to click “Users” from the Left Navigation. Next, on the far right of the page, click the drop-down menu “Add Users” button and select “From Excel”.

The second way is to select your desired Course to perform a bulk upload of Trainees. This can be performed by clicking “Courses” from the Left Navigation. Next, select the desired course. Then, on the far right of the page, click the drop-down menu “Invite” button and select “Upload Excel”.

Once one of the options has been chosen, from the new page you can "Download a sample Excel file" by clicking the link.  Once downloaded, you can follow the format for entering your trainee's information.  If your account has the ability to have additional custom fields, you may add more trainee information here as well.  Once you have finished creating the Excel file, save it and click upload to upload it to Trakstar Learn.

Once uploaded, you can drag and drop your fields to the right under the Trakstar Learn fields to map the fields accordingly.  This will ensure the correct columns are associated with the correct fields you have setup in Learn. Once you have the fields mapped, click Continue.

Once your fields are mapped, you can verify that the information is correct.  Click "Remap fields" if there is an error and you can correct it before accepting it into Learn.  This page also allows you to add the trainees to groups and even invite them to courses and series.

If trainees are already in the system you will receive the following message: “Trainees highlighted below are already in the system. Their records will be updated with the information in this file.” Once all have been verified, click "Add" to complete the upload into Learn.

This is also where you will be able to choose any specific Groups and/or Courses that you would like to add/invite your new Trainees too.

If you have any additional questions, reach out to us at learn@trakstar.com

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